State management
(Flutter +Firebase+ Mobx)

Flutter is declarative. This means that Flutter builds its user interface to reflect the current state of your app:
When the state of your app changes (for example, the user flips a switch in the settings screen), you change the state, and that triggers a redraw of the user interface. There is no imperative changing of the UI itself (like widget.setText
)—you change the state, and the UI rebuilds from scratch.
Step 1:
add packages in pubsec.yaml .
Step 2:
now create the file store_observer.dart:
Step 3:
Integerate your flutter application with firebase . and generate the cloud firestore database .

Step 4:
generating of the model accordring to the cloud firestore. in a file name
Step 5:
Generating of the mobx database store. (run this command in command prompt)
flutter packages pub run build_runner build — delete-conflicting-outputs
Step -6:
create a file name here you will write all the services that you want from cloud firestore
Step 7:
generating the mobx store. this the most important step. give the file name restaurant_store.dart
Step 8:
Generating of the mobx store. (run this command in command prompt)
flutter packages pub run build_runner build — delete-conflicting-outputs
Step 9:
Intializing the store and the provider in the main.dart
Step 10:
make a file name
here you will call the stores in your presentation.
there is widget I am using is customPopularCard in place of that you can make your own beautiful widget . and use it