hey folks, in this blog we will see how to make BMI Calculator in flutter.

BMI Stands for body mass index : formula : height / (weight * weight)
step 1: setup package.yaml
here, you see all the plugins used in this flutter bmi calculator.
a: please clearly check dependencies , dev-dependencies and flutter_icons in this file.
step 2: setup main.dart file.
content of. the file:
a: Screenutil initialization
b: DeviceOrientation setup (in my code, I fixed that app to potrait mode so that it not changes to landscape on rotating)
step 4: Make Custom Files
ex: like you want to use same flunction on many places (in development you can call them custom components).
ex : There is a button that you want to use in app on many places so you make it custom , so that it can be reusable on many places.
1st custom file: GenderWidget.dart
a: custom widget: where you can select gender of the user.
2nd custom file: SliderWidget.dart
a: custom widget: it is a slider . it is used everywhere in the project.
step 5: Setup most important file (BMI.dart)
content of. the file:
a: It contains all the custom components
b: animation
c: swipeable component and page transition
step 6: Setup ScoreScreen.dart file
content of the file:
a: calculation of the bmi
b: Guage bmi meter
c: share button